
I’m a he/him living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Portrait of Alvar Lagerlöf

My story

It all began with a $2 computer. How do you ask? Well, when I was younger, I played Minecraft a lot. Naturally, I wanted to play with my friends, so I figured I'd create a server for us.

So I went to a flea market and searched for the cheapest computer I could find. For $2, I got an absolute wreck. Not knowing what I had bought, I took it home and installed a Linux distribution on it.

It worked better than expected. But something was missing. All "cool" servers had a website. I wanted mine to have one too. An Apache install and some typing later, there was a website. It snowballed from there. Being a developer was more fun than playing the game.

Since then, I've experimented with many things. Everything from Android and iOS apps, to decentralized tic-tac-toe, to neural networks based. Along the way, I realized that I am becoming more and more interested in design as well. When I'm not either of those, I like to ski and take photos.

Social links


  • Senior Frontend Developer at Matsmart/Motatos

    Full-timeOct 2022 - Present
  • Member at React 18 Working Group

    VolunteeringMay 2021 - Present

    The React Core team invited a panel of experts, developers, library authors, and educators from across the React community to participate in our React 18 Working Group to provide feedback, ask questions, and collaborate on the release. The goal of the React 18 Working Group is to prepare the ecosystem for a smooth, gradual adoption of React 18 by existing applications and libraries.

    Read more on: https://reactjs.org/blog/2021/06/08/the-plan-for-react-18.html

    Questions I asked on Concurrent Scheduling: https://github.com/reactwg/react-18/discussions/27

  • Frontend Web Developer at Mattias Asplund AB

    FreelanceMar 2021 - Apr 2022
    • Improved routing structure to enhance loading times in a React app.
    • Made performance of a search system better with memoization.
    • Started a shared component system sharing code between admin and user sites.
    • Worked with Lighthouse to improve accessibility and performance.
  • Frontend Web Developer at AASchools

    Part-timeMar 2019 - Dec 2019
    • Built a front-end for a school platform with React and Redux.
    • Introduced a CI/CD system using Amazon ECS and Travis via GitHub.
    • Set up sites for login, students, and admin, and connected them via AWS Route 53.
    • Worked to define functionality in an admin platform and began implementing it.
    • Designed, coded and integrated a component library deployed on NPM.
  • Native iOS + Android Developer at Roboro

    InternshipNov 2016 - Dec 2016
    • Developed Android and iOS apps in Kotlin and Swift.
    • Built a code editor that works on small screens.
    • Implemented syncing for offline coding.
    • Made a popular QR code sharing system.
    • Designed and implemented a marketing site.

    Website: https://koda.nu/app